About Kiki's Paris!

The original inspiration behind Kiki's Paris is based on "Kiki De Montparnasse" who was around in the 1930s in Paris, France and was a muse to many artists and photographers. Namely, one American photographer named Man Ray, who met and fell deeply in love with Kiki (Alice Prin) even with all of her faults, crazy life, and drama. Kiki was famous in Montparnasse and know as the Queen of that area among the surrealist movement and players during that time.  I just love the story of Kiki. She was a one of a kind, strong, determined, fearless, & legendary lady who lived life on her own terms and to the fullest, until her untimely death at the age of 53. 

Kiki de Montparnasse Kiki (Aka: Alice Prin)

Another inspiration is my late mother, Elaine Grace, who I lost 12 years ago.  She was a survivor.  She always thought she needed a man to survive, but she learned that she could achieve things beyond her wildest dreams and she did. After loosing my best friend, I decided to not be afraid to go for all of my dreams. I realized that life is fragile and time goes so fast. We never know what will happen at any time. I couldn't waste anymore time. I became fearless. I decided I would live my life in her honor since her life had ended. She was only 64 years old and I feel her watching over my and rooting me on every day. She's my angel and I created this boutique in her memory.   

Elaine Grace

My final inspiration for opening "Kiki's Paris Boutique" is my 2nd Cousin Bootsie Batson. In the late 90’s, I attended MAGIC, the bi-annual retail convention in Las Vegas, with my cousin when she had a boutique based in St. Augustine, FL and I was super inspired by it.  

Bootise opened her first boutique in the Miami, Florida in the 70’s. My mom, sister and I went to visit her there when I was around 6 years old.  I vividly remember that she was dressed in bell bottoms and a cool hippy blouse. Incense was burning in the store, classic rock played on the stereo and I looked up to at her, this gorgeous woman who was my second cousin and thought, “How very cool is she! And she’s my relative?!!”  To me, she was a successful business woman and I never forgot that feeling that I got meeting her in that environment and since that day, I always wanted to open my own boutique.  To me, she was a BOSS LADY.  A strong, Independent, intelligent woman and I wanted to be that!  

That is the BRAND of KIKI’s PARIS. This boutique is to inspire women of all ages that it's never too late to become a strong, self sufficient, confident woman. I want to dress those types of women.  When you wear my collections, I want you to feel empowered, like there is nothing that can stop you as you achieve your goals in life and follow all of your dreams!    

I’m very excited to create this BOUTIQUE for women out there that are just like Kiki, my dear mother, cousin Bootsie and myself. 

Thank you for reading the story about Kiki's Paris!  God Bless You! 

xoxo, Kelly

Kiki's Paris Boutique